Monday, April 14, 2008

How to rock Belle's world

Number two is on the way. Lord willing, we will have a new baby Brink in October. Katy is past the 13 week mark and into the second trimester--so far so good. We are praying that the delivery will be less eventful than number one.
The grandparents and the rest of the family found out this past weekend. Not too many surprised faces.


Marty said...

Yay Yay Yay!!!

emily jane said...

yay! Our kid is due at the end of september! we'll have to have play dates when you come to jackson!

adteacher said...

What if it's a boy???? AHHH!!!

Aaron and Rachel Halbert said...

Congratulations!!! I am so happy for knew Emily and Samuel are expecting one towards the end of September didn't you?

Nathan and Erin said...

Congratulations! How exciting!

The G's said...

wow! Congratulations! how fun that your sweet family is growing! blessings as you guys prepare for this new little one!!

Unknown said...

Aw, so exciting! Congrats! :)

Laura said...

Katy, how exciting! You are such a wonderful mother of one, and I know you will absolutely love having two little ones in the world. It's fun being a family of four! What a blessing! I love the darling photos of Belle in the basket!! I'll be praying for a smooth pregnancy for you.