Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I would imagine that most people would join me in asking what happened to September. It seems like just the other day that I was wondering the same thing about August, and now it's October. It's fabulously cool in the mornings, and I love being able to take our walk without sweating like a pig. It's just not supposed to be 100 degrees at 8:00 a.m. Anyway, the "light at the end of the hot tunnel" is here--Fall. I look forward to the days getting cooler and to that wonderful feeling of "needing a light jacket."
I don't have a whole lot to report, but I did want to post some recent pictures of Annabelle. We have moved her to her wooden high chair (instead of her booster), and it's still a bit large for her. But she has done well so far. And she graduated to real car seat instead of the infant carrier. So I guess that's exciting. She continues to be all over the place, and I think walking is not too far away.


Marty said...

She's beautiful, Katy.

Nathe said...

Dan, Glad to see you are teaching AB the importance of sports at an early age.

adteacher said...

Oh little Anna B....cuter all the time. I need to bring over some fashion magazines and decorator books so that she isn't confined to sports illustrated for the rest of her life.

Anonymous said...

We love your blog guys! Very well done - keep it up! Also, we can't thank you enough for Pandora! We've both been listening to it allllll day. Do you guys have one of those cool radio things they sell? Thanks again! -ng